New Hope offers a wide range of classes on a quarterly schedule. Most classes run from 6-12 weeks. You must be a member to register for the class and membership fees of $35 are collected on a yearly basis.
To promote accessibility we offer a transport service for $2 round trip Monday and Wednesdays of the week. Please fill out the below form or contact Moira at 514 484 0425 ext 1 or [email protected] to for more information and to register for a ride. For special programming inquiries please contact Sara at 514 484 0425 ext 3 or [email protected]
Winter Registration 2025:
We will be accepting registrations via phone starting January 16th 9am 1 800 613 1732 on going until classes are filled.
For payment: We are now accepting Debit and ETRANSFER!
Otherwise please make your checks out to New Hope Senior Citizens Centre or bring your cash to your first class.